Gemstones & their effect

Gemstones have a great power with them to change our destiny, as said in Garuda Purana. Even the charge storing ability of a capacitor, varies near a gemstone facing it. Gemstones or Crystals placed inside long copper tubes creates hole in the cloud. Some says due to regular atomic structure the frequency of each atom is in a resonance to create a great effect. even the charge storing ability of gemstones increases if a gemstone is placed near it. Form the ancient ages all Kings queens and others used it to get good luck in different matters. From time immemorial people have used Gems in different ways. It has Curative Powers as well as the power to pour in Fortune and drive away the evils of our Planetary Position. Certain gems and stones have magical powers of healing and fortune giving. Gems have made life happier to many individuals.
Gems Pedant For the Door: Different gem stones are stunned in the main door of forts and places to ensure security and to get a life full of prosperity and achievement. So that only good things can enter through them. Price, RS.7,000/-OR 200$ contact info@ occulttreasures. com



Gemology is an important field in today’s market. But when we speak of Vedic gemology, we do not mean that it is merely for judging the value of a gem. The Vedic purpose in gemology is to determine the best type of quality gem for a person to wear. Thus, Vedic gemology worked in conjunction with Ayurveda and Jyotish to establish the best gem a person should wear for health and positive influence. To give a little more understanding about this increasingly recognized field, I include the following description by Howard Beckman, a qualified and practicing Vedic gemologist, from the book, “Vedic Culture: The Difference It Can Make in Your Life”:

“It is the energy force of the cosmos that sustains all living organisms. This energy is called ‘prana’. It energizes our bodies throughout life until it leaves at the time of death, leaving the gross material body to decay and return to the elements from which it arose. The Vedic scriptures calculate our life spans in the number of breaths we are allotted during our lives. If we use this energy more quickly, then the life span will be shorter. (Long distance runners are renowned for dying in their 50’s.) If we conserve our energy, especially through systems such as the yoga system, then the life span may be extended.

“Gem therapy has been used by many ancient cultures and especially the wearing of gemstones on the body had great significance for the Vedic culture, other than the purely cosmetic or ornamental value that gems are mostly used for today. The science of Ayurveda when combined with Vedic astrology gives a wealth of knowledge in the correct application of gemstones to amplify planetary rays, which can have a dynamic effect on one’s physical and emotional health, one’s ability to prosper materially, and the general well-being of individual persons here on eart


Gems are the most precious gift of God to Mankind. In ancient times, people treated Gems as Gods. People of Peru worshipped a large Ostrich Egg Shaped Emerald as their God. Similarly, Hebrew Priests have a Breast Plate fitted with 12 gems. Egyptian store Gems in their Tombs to protect them from Cyclones and Natural Disasters. From time immemorial Gems have been used by people in different ways. It has Curative Powers as well as the power to pour in Fortune and drive away the evils of our Planetary Position. Certain gems and stones have magical powers of healing and fortune giving. Gems have made life happier to many individuals. These are widely used to get benefit from the planets as little gems carry never ending source of rays of the planet and continue even after years. Every Gemstone has a History of its own like Emeralds are often worn by Ancient Egyptians to get all kinds of Happiness and Prosperity. They are called Emerald Tablets Of Herms. Appropriate care should be taken while choosing a particular Gemstone.


Lapis Lazuli is one of the most sought after stones in use since man's history began. Its deep, celestial blue remains the symbol of royalty and honor, gods and power, spirit and vision. It is a universal symbol of wisdom and truth.

In ancient times Lapis Lazuli was most highly regarded because of its beautiful color and the valuable ultramarine dye derived from it. Its name comes from the Latin lapis, "stone," and the Persian lazhuward, "blue." It is rock formed by multiple minerals, mostly Lazurite, Sodalite, Calcite and Pyrite, and is a rich medium to royal blue with gold flecks (pyrites). Lower-grade Lapis is lighter blue with more white than gold flecks, and is sometimes called denim Lapis.

Lapis Lazuli was among the most highly prized tribute paid to Egypt, obtained from the oldest mines in the world, worked from around 4000 B.C. and still in use today. Lapis Lazuli is most likely the fifth stone in the original breastplate of the High Priest, as well as those of later times.

Lapis Lazuli is one of the most sought after stones in use since man's history began. Its deep, celestial blue remains the symbol of royalty and honor, gods and power, spirit and vision. It is a universal symbol of wisdom and truth.

In ancient times Lapis Lazuli was most highly regarded because of its beautiful color and the valuable ultramarine dye derived from it. Its name comes from the Latin lapis, "stone," and the Persian lazhuward, "blue." It is rock formed by multiple minerals, mostly Lazurite, Sodalite, Calcite and Pyrite, and is a rich medium to royal blue with gold flecks (pyrites). Lower-grade Lapis is lighter blue with more white than gold flecks, and is sometimes called denim Lapis.

Lapis Lazuli was among the most highly prized tribute paid to Egypt, obtained from the oldest mines in the world, worked from around 4000 B.C. and still in use today. Lapis Lazuli is most likely the fifth stone in the original breastplate of the High Priest, as well as those of later times.


Navratna is the exclusive arrangment of gems. Which is featured in various astrological books. It is found to be very effective for everybody. the best part of Navratna can be worn be anybody and any age group. Even if one has no horocope. One can wear it without any horoscope consultation. it is found to be equally suitable for all. Whether its buiness person, executive, working ladies, house wives, school going children, retired person, old people.all. In Nava-Ratna, Gems are crystalline minerals or petrified material that can be used as a distinct and advantageous remedial measure in astrology. Gems are considered to be the best for strengthing the positive influences of planets. They intensify the rays of the planets they represent. Each gem stone is specific to ascertain planet and takes positive traits of that planet. People since ancient times have sensed powerful energies emanating from gemstone crystals and their ability to bring good fortune and ward off evil.


Agates are a well recognised family of stones that tend to be very settling and stabling. They can be called upon in for many areas of the being; mind, body and spirit; mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually without falter. Agates are centred and grounded, they are stones that get to work quickly but don't over stimulate their keepers, or become to over-powering. Although Agates do come in differing forms, the undertones do remain the same.
White Agate is perfect for use during pregnancy to encourage bonding between mother and baby to start forming from the earliest of stages.
This stone can continue to be used after the birth, to help strengthen the ever growing bond and encourage nurturing at its best.
White Agate resonates gently with the Crown energy centre because of its purity, but can also be called upon for the body's other minor and major energy centres to bring harmony and correct over-stimulation.
This stone is also beneficial to beings that are new to meditation and healing connected to the body and its energy centres.
White Agate helps the being to instil purity and harmony in all areas of life. It is a stone that teaches of the benefits connected to such ways, as well as peacefulness and stillness.
A stone that encourages the being enjoy as much of life as they can, to take in the beauty of each day and to recognise and respect every other form of life around the themselves.
White Agate teaches of the importance of bonds between beings, and speaks of not just loving and respecting those around the self, but also loving and respecting the self.
This stone can help to settle nervousness, panic attacks and anxiety, as well as settling emotions, anger, tension and stress. White Agate can also be helpful in the treatment of Tourettes Syndrome, Epilepsy and Parkinson's disease.
A stone that can be called upon to settle over-active areas of the body, such as with an over-active Thyroid. As well as in settling hypersensitivity of the Immune System.
White Agate brings hope towards a more beautiful future, and teaches of the importance of having and showing love and gratefulness for New Life.


Himalayan Quartz Cluster. These quartz clusters grow in the highest place on earth, and seem to be a bridge from Earth energy to Air energy allowing them to be particularly suited to meditation uses. They are well formed and very stunning.These crystals are unique in many ways, as they will help you to move to a state where you can more readily stop thinking when you are meditating, allowing you to embrace a state of complete inner silence.
At this time you may become conscious of your ability to connect with the flow of the powerful spiritual energy of the Divine mind. Nirvana Quartz crystals help you to gain an awareness of your spiritual destiny, and aid you to confirm, trust and accept your soul self.




# Gem StAR #

IA Mer-ka-ba Star is a unique Sacred Geometry shape, which harnesses the ability to align the mind, body, and heart together

Merkaba, is the divine light vehicle used to reach higher realms. Merkaba enables us to experience heightened awareness, restores access and memory of the infinite possibilities of our being, and connects us with elevated levels of consciousness.

"Mer" means Light (Spinning rotating fields of light)

"Ka" means Spirit (an individual’s spirit)

"Ba" means body (ones interpretation of reality)

Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another. Please Note: Each Merkaba Star is crafted with natural gemstone; hence no two Merkaba Stars are exactly the same. The individual inclusions on each star are what make each piece a unique masterpiece in and of itself.
srsti-sthiti-pralaya-sadhana-saktir eka
chayeva yasya bhuvanani bibharti durga
icchanurupam api yasya ca cestate sa
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami



Weight 8-10grm, Rs.750, $12

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Weight 8-10grm, Rs.800, $13

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Weight 8-10grm, Rs.800, $13

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Weight 8-10grm, Rs.775, $12

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Weight 8-10grm, Rs.780, $12

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Weight 8-10grm, Rs.750, $12

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Weight 8-10grm, Rs.830, $13

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Weight 8-10grm, Rs.790, $12

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Weight 8-10grm, Rs.750, $12

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Weight 8-10grm, Rs.750, $12

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Weight 8-10grm, Rs.810, $13

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Weight 8-10grm, Rs.780, $12

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Weight 8-10grm, Rs.850, $13

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Weight 8-10grm, Rs.900, $14

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        International Institute Of Astrology and Occult science         (REGD 072)
Bhavisyabani, Nuagaon Square,
Vijoy Vihar, Bhubaneswar 2, Pin:751002
Ph/Fax:+91 0674 2340474,+91 9437020474(Whatsapp)




MerKaBa is an interdimensional vehicle consisting of two equally sized, interlocked tetrahedra of light with a common center, where one tetrahedron points up and the other down. This point symmetric form is called a stella octangula or stellated octahedron which can also be obtained by extending the faces of a regular octahedron until they intersect again.

In his books, researcher and physicist Drunvalo Melchizedek describes this figure as a "Star Tetrahedron", since it can be viewed as a three dimensional Star of David. By imagining two superimposed "Star Tetrahedrons" as counterrotating, along with specific "prana" breathing techniques, certain eye movements and mudras, it is taught that one can activate a non-visible 'saucer' shaped energy field around the human body that is anchored at the base of the spine. Depending on the height of the person doing the exercise, this field is about 55 feet across. Once activated, this 'saucer' shaped field is capable of carrying ones consciousness directly to higher dimensions.


This is a Sanskrit verse that was written 8,000 years ago. The expanded translation states, "Whatever is inside you is outside you. Whatever is outside you is within you." This means that the air, water, fire, earth, and cosmic energy outside you is within you. No scientist, atheist, or cynic will deny that he is made out of 75% water, he needs air every second, he needs to maintain a body temperature of 98.6° Fahrenheit, and he needs food from the Earth to survive.

This food comes from the upper layer of the Earth. If we go further down into the Earth, you will find the roots which help us to survive. If we go down further into the Earth, then we discover the minerals which we need to survive. The most essential element of the above mentioned breakdown of the Earth is the concentrated form of energy or as is known by Vedic science, the essence of Earth...or gemstones.The right proportions of food, air, water, and heat give us life and energy. Similarly, the right gemstones will provide a harmonious and more improved life. You may say that you don't eat gemstones but you do eat food. Gemstones work the same way that lightening effects you, or how the Sun ray's give you Vitamin D, or how the sound of soothing music relaxes you. The aroma of onions will make you cry even though you don't touch them. Gemstone energy works on your mind. When the mind is balanced, you will make less mistakes and you will have more time, money, and energy to construct a better future.

Amethyst Gem

Amethyst, which contains manganese, is a popular purple-colored variety of quartz. The darkness of purple shade depends on the iron content in the stone.
Amethyst helps in transmuting lower vibrations to higher frequencies thereby transforming negative energy to positive energy. It also connects the physical with the higher realm. This quartz corresponds to the Third (Aagya) Chakra and provides peaceful energy for meditation and developing varied psychic abilities. It also opens and activates the Crown (Sahastra) Chakra and allows connection to the higher self, leading to spiritual awareness and wisdom.
Amethyst is also known to heal and balance one’s aura. Amethyst is associated with people born under the zodiac signs of AQUARIUS, CAPRICORN, PISCES and VIRGO.

Amethyst have many attributes throughout history, and all of them are good. The stone was thought to control evil thoughts, quicken intelligence, make a shrewd man in business, preserve soldiers from battle wounds, aid the warrior to victory, help the hunter in search of his game, protect the wearer from contagious diseases, and put demons to flight if the figure of a bear is inscribed on the jewel. Amethyst was known as a gem that would bring forth the highest, purest aspirations of human kind. Chastity, sobriety, and control over one’s thoughts were all attributes heightened by wearing the stone. The gem would guard against the anger of passion, and the violent or base nature of its wearer. The stone encouraged calm, bravery, and contemplation.


Red Jasper is marvelous for clearing the mind during meditation, prayer or contemplation. Its high spiritual energy increases focus and endurance during long ceremonies or practices, and is helpful in establishing new spiritual disciplines. It is an excellent stone for shamanic journeying and astral travel, and provides vivid dream recall.A valuable stone of protection, Red Jasper guards against physical threats and assists in situations of danger. Keep in the car to prevent accidents, theft or road rage, and place in the home or office to absorb electromagnetic and environmental pollution and radiation. Wear two or three items of Red Jasper jewelry or a pouch of three small tumblestones to shield against psychic attack or when working with spirit rescue, potentially violent or psychologically disturbed individuals.

Red Jasper is a stone of passion and a token of all who consummate love. It encourages control in all things, and thus calms sexual aggressiveness, promotes sexual compatibility, and enhances tantric sex. It may assist women in overcoming a jealous love rival or unfair opposition to a relationship.

Red Jasper also stimulates passion in one’s creative work, manifesting new ideas and freshness, and the energy to continue a project even after the initial excitement has dwindled. Its energy brings focus and self-mastery. Red Jasper is the crystal of actors, actresses and all connected with expressive and performing arts in becoming more sensitive to their audiences.

Red Jasper may be used as a professional support stone for all jobs requiring physical strength and stamina, from police officers to trades workers, waitresses and waiters, and other high activity professionals. It also brings energy, alertness and emotional endurance to accountants, computer operators, military personnel and all who must continuously be focused and on task.

Red Jasper helps regulate the metabolic energies of the body, providing strength and vitality, and increasing physical stamina. It is particularly beneficial for those needing extra support during prolonged illness, injury or hospitalization. Because of its ability to help generate muscle tissue, it may be useful in weight lifting and bodybuilding, and to enhance the effects of exercise.
Red Jasper is thought to support the circulatory system, detoxifying the blood and removing blockages of the liver and bile ducts. It strengthens the heart and enhances circulation, and may be useful in treating anemia, exhaustion, and heart conditions, including recovery of bypass or transplant surgeries.
Red Jasper has been used to increase libido and fertility, especially if undergoing treatment for conception. It is believed to help stabilize pregnancies and promote robust fetal growth, and to facilitate safe childbirth. Jasper is beneficial in staunching blood flow, particularly nosebleeds, and also assists in reducing hemorrhoids. It soothes epilepsy and gout, and may be used to treat the sensory loss of smell.


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